Mason Bees Released!

The weather finally settled for the warmer side of things so it was time to take the mason bee shipment out of the refridgerator and set them free.  

I had to find something to put the boxes in to protect them from the birds in the yard while keeping the boxes open.  After digging around the garage, I found  a great somewhat older little copper house made for holding votive candles.  

I then propped the boxes up inside and shut the door almost completely.  I also added some wire to keep it anchored in place against any strong breeze or something tampering with the house. 

**UPDATE:  Something I didn't factor in was ants!  Luckily not fire ants, or it would've probably been too late.  Some smaller ants had started to gather in the area and a few in the boxes so I had to come up with something else that was birdproof and now insect and ant proof.  I ended up using a vintage cheese grater with some screening attached to the bottom to hold the "cocoons" in but still allowing fresh air and such.  It's worked great so far hanging from the back porch on some chain from the cheese grater handle.  Almost all of them are hatched at this point.