Recent Find...

I thought from now on I would take y'all, fairly often, on the little sides roads of creativity that tell the GadgetSponge story.

I'll start with this great piece that my friend Brian (yes, another Brian) ran across a couple of days ago.

This vintage galvanized cooler is almost three feet tall! You can kind of see the size of it by the faded image of it sitting on the back tailgate of my truck. Our best guess is that it was the water cooler for a large company or factory. It's about as big around as a whiskey barrel. It is double-walled and has that great spigot at the bottom.

This one has been using up some extra creative juices lately trying to figure out what I can make out of it. Any ideas out there?

P.S. -- A little inside info: I'm currently working on the next repurposed roller skate truck! It's a doozy!