DIY Bird Cupcakes!

A little while back a GadgetSponge follower from Portland, Jennifer, submitted a DIY bird cupcake recipe.  She was thrilled with the chance to share it with the rest of you saying, "The more healthy bird cupcakes out there in the world - the better!"

Bird Cupcakes Recipe:

1/2 of a plain suet cake

2 cups chunky peanut butter

1 lb.  fine sunflower chips

1/2 lb of any "fly through" mix (black oil sunflower, dried fruit, nuts, etc.)

Melt the peanut butter and suet in a pan.  Stir in sunflower chips.  Fill muffin cups 3/4 of the way full.  Sprinkle with fly through mix to decorate and gently press.  Put in the refrigerator to harden.  Once they are hard, you can shake off the extra fly through mix to re-use.

Jennifer picks up her suet locally and the fine folks at the Backyard Bird Shop in Portland helped her tweak the recipe to perfection.

So if you're in the mood to try to make some interesting bird food for yourself or for gifts or friends and family, now you've got a great and easy recipe to get started with.

IF you're too busy right now and want to try your hand at it later, I currently use TomCatt's Bird Suet.  

Thanks so much for the great recipe Jennifer!